Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Today, our therapist learned that Junior and I are not perfect, and that we fight just like everyone else.  probably not as often as most couples, but when I get pissed off, well, I get PISSED OFF.  I don't want to go into details, because, well, it's really not that big of a deal.  Let's just say that Junior did something that really hurt my feelings, and I was not talking to him.  So we go into therapy today, and Elizabeth (our therapist) asks me how I feel about something, and I told her that I was mad at Junior and not speaking to him, so I was not the best person to ask questions to.  This, of course, led to questions about why I was mad at him, and it ended with me in tears, throwing tissues at my husband.  Of course, things are fine now, and talking helped Junior to see why I was so upset with him.  That's one of the best things about therapy...we talk, we resolve things, and we move on.  I think that is one of the biggest things I love about my marriage...we don't hold grudges, and we never get nasty with each other.  There is never name calling, or things said that we later wish we could take back.

Other than that, therapy was fine.  I gave Elizabeth the plant and she loved it.  Actually, Brandi gave it to her.  And speaking of Brandi, my kid is so smart.  I mean, seriously smart.  I had a conference with her teacher yesterday, and she went over some test scores with me that blew me away.  They do MAP testing, and for 3rd graders, they should score a 192 in math and reading, and a 193 in language.  Brandi scored a 213 in reading and language, and a 215 in math.  Her teacher said these are 5/6th grade scores.  I was blown away.  I always knew she was smarter than kids her age, but I didn't think she was that far advanced.  I worry now that she will get bored in school.  Hopefully, the advanced classes she is in will keep her challenged.

Okay, so this blog is not supposed to be about the kids.  It's supposed to be about me.  But, I guess a big part of who I am is a mom.  And I love it.


Jeannette said...

We're normal too. Don't fight often, but we do. It's great that you two can fight fairly. It's the most important thing for your marriage and your children's future marriages too.

Crystal said...

Oh I can so relate...Sometimes u want to throw more than just tissues, lol! Glad u worked things out and are doing better. Hey, i'm going to hook my kids up with Brandi so she can tutor them, lol! BIG YAY for her!!!!

jenn said...

Jeannette ~ that is one of the biggest things I love about my marriage. It is so easy to throw insults that can really hurt someone when you're angry, and we always make sure we never get there. We fight honestly, not dirty. Does that make sense? He did something that hurt me, I told him so, and then we worked things out. (he didn't cheat or anything like that...that's unforgivable in my book)and we don't let these little things fester into big things. Make sense? I think we respect each other too much.

jenn said...

Crystal ~ it's weird, but we always end up laughing after a fight, and that is why I threw tissues at him. I hate getting upset, especially in therapy, but it was good to talk things through.

Oh, and Brandi is totally available for tutoring...I'll ask her what her rates are! lol!

YummY! said...

I think hubby and I could use some therapy together. Of course, our fights can get downright nasty, so we might frighten away the therapist.

jenn said...

YummY! ~ my husband started seeing or therapist because of family issues with his dad, mom, and siblings, and then I started going with him as moral support. I think it's the best thing we do together.