Friday, July 2, 2010

Am I Still Motivated Today?

The only thing I am doing right this week is drinking water.

Lots and lots of water.

The good thing is that I have only had two sodas since Monday, and both were on the way to my mom's house, and I didn't finish either one.  I am actually wanting the water.

Weird, I know.

The only downside is that it goes right through me.  I got up about six times last night was crazy!

As far as the other two goals for this week...yeah, I'm not holding my breath.


Crystal said...

Stay with drinking the water girl. SO much better and you'll see a lot of water weight come off because of it. Especially if ur salt intake is high!!!!

Donna said...

You are a good girl! Happy weekend!

Jeannette said...

Sounds like progress to me! Lol I had the same problem with water at first but now I seem to be normal again. Not running to the bathroom like a woman 8 months pregnant anymore lol.

I've been drinking TONS of apple juice lately... I add extra water to mine though because my sensitive stomach.

jenn said...

Crystal ~ After swimming at mom's tonight, I was craving a diet sprite...stopped at the store on the way home, and all they had was diet coke. Got one of those, and after the first sip, I didn't really want it. I don't think I eat a lot of salt...I'll have to pay better attention from now on.

jenn said...

Thanks Miss Donna! I'm trying...

jenn said...

Jeannette ~ I used to add apple juice to my diet good...but I couldn't drink much because of all the sugar in it. I haven't thought about watering it down with water...I think I have some in the pantry...I'll have to try that this weekend.